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Graduation Track


Completion of the following twelve courses will earn you a Diploma in Practical Ministry.

1. Apologetics

This course helps believers defend the Bible and Christianity in a secular and irreligious society. Believer are quipped to intelligently respond to those who promote Evolution, those who contradict the Existence of God, the Reliability of Scripture, the Deity and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Miracles and relate the Existence of Evil in the World to the alleged Absence of a Supreme Being.

2. Bible Interpretation I

This is a study of the art and science of the interpretation of the Bible. You will be given the skill and competence to properly interpret the various forms of Scripture. You will become better able to approach Bible grammar, context, ancient culture, literary types, dispensations and a host of other matters that will help you better understand, interpret and communicate the Scripture.

3. Bible Interpretation II

This module builds on the foundations established in Module I. You will become advanced in your skill and competence to properly interpret the various forms of Scripture. You will become better able to approach figures of speech, Bible types, parables and allegories, Bible prophecy, the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, the proper application of Scripture and other that will help you better understand, interpret and communicate the Scripture.

4. Old Testament Survey

In this course you will be taught the basics of every book of the Old Testament. You will learn the background, purpose, theme, outline and overview of each book. You will learn the characters, dispensations, covenants, kingdoms and other old covenant matters.

5. New Testament Survey

In this course you will be taught the basics of every book of the New Testament. You will learn the background, purpose, theme, outline and overview of each book. You will learn the characters, dispensations, covenants, kingdoms and other new covenant matters.

6. Systematic Theology I

This study will take you deep into the foundations Christianity as you better learn what we believe, why we believe those things and how our beliefs are to direct our lives. This course covers the Study of the Bible (Bibliology), the Study of God the Father (Theology Proper), the Study of Jesus Christ (Christology), the Study of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology), and the Study of the Angels and Demons (Angelology and Demonology).

Note: Revelation can be exchanged with Sermon Delivery.

7. Systematic Theology II

This study continues what began in Theology I. You will better learn what to believe as a Christian, why to harbor those beliefs and how to live accordingly. This course covers the Study of Mankind (Anthropology), the Study of Sin (Hamartology), the Study of Salvation (Soteriology), the Study of the Church (Ecclesiology), and the Study of the End Times (Eschatology).

8. Sermon Development/Lesson Development

If you are a preacher or public speaker, this class will take your ability to the next level. This is a study of the art and science of preparing sermons and lessons that have biblical depth and clarity. Exegesis, exposition and the principles of sermon and lesson development are taught.
Note: Sermon Development must be taken before Sermon Delivery/Public Speaking.

9. Sermon Delivery/Public Speaking *

If you are a preacher, teacher or public speaker, this course will significantly increase your competence and confidence in communicating the Word of God. This class is a study of the art and science of presenting sermons that are expositional in nature (Homiletics). Principles of public speaking dealing with the voice, articulation, body language, the use of object lessons and other issues are addressed. Giving captivating introductions, rich and relevant exposition and compelling conclusions are taught. Students present sermons before the class and receive both public and private evaluations from the instructor.
Note: Sermon Development must be taken before Sermon Delivery/Public Speaking.

10. Biblical Leadership I

Whether you are a senior pastor or not, you need to be able to think like a leader and a visionary. This study clearly distinguishes between biblical leadership and secular leadership. This module covers the leader’s role, leadership preparation, the leader’s vision, the leader’s character and conduct, the goals of the leader and other issues immediate to church leadership; as defined by Scripture.
Note: Biblical Leadership I must be taken before Biblical Leadership II.

11. Biblical Leadership II

This series will take you to the next level by addressing leadership challenges, procuring and protecting the leader’s influence, decision making, maintaining an effective schedule, the pitfalls facing leaders, the rewards of biblical leadership and other issues derived from the Word of God and the wisdom of God.
Note: Biblical Leadership I must be taken before Biblical Leadership II.

12. The Letters of Paul

The Apostle Paul was one of the most important figures of the early church and the Pauline Epistles are intriguing and exciting on many levels. These Epistles include some of the earliest inspired Christian Texts and they have been foundational for Christian theology and ethics. These writings are effective for spiritual formation as well as doctrinal formation but also contain several issues that continue to challenge believers to
this very day. This course will examine these 13 letters to further your understanding of each and thereby, contribute to your personal maturity and your public ministry.

13. The Book of Revelation

This course is an examination of the contents of the New Testament Book of Revelation and it’s unveiling of Jesus Christ as the central figure in the culmination of God’s redemptive program. Attention will be given to the background, authorship, theme, purpose and structure of the book.